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例文1 六一儿童节作文

I am glad I was your teacher

Though you troubled me through and through

You split the chalk and broke the glass

And I made you kneel down too

But now that the year is almost gone

And the holidays are near

I am surprised most of all coz

I can‘t believe the end is here

Next term you will be older

Whether wiser- I am not sure

Some other class teacher will face it all

How well – I do not know。

I remember all the fun we had

I am sure you remember too

All the pranks and the spanks

But we managed to get through

I can’t believe the end is here

You will all be sorely missed

And I hate to see you go

‘Coz you’ll are very special kids。

Children of an Unfair God

Mama, please don‘t hurt me anymore

I am only little, just about four

Don’t wake me up from my deep sleep

Don‘t take me to work; why can’t it keep?

Can‘t you send me to school?

Like the neighbourhood kids

Can’t I learn to read and browse through books?

‘No you can’t‘, says the mother

Dragging her child away

You must go to work

To keep hunger at bay

Five children have we to keep and to feed

How can you think about so much sleep?

例文2 六一儿童节作文




例文3 六一儿童节作文




接下来,最吸引人们眼球的是魔术,伴随着音乐,一位男生闪亮登场,他手待一木棍,刹那间小木棍变成了鲜花,此时同学们都惊呼起来,下一个更精彩了,这位男生拿出一个空盒子,不知施加了何法力,盒子里飞出了 一只白鸽,这只白鸽在报告厅自由自在地飞翔,顿时报告厅内充满了雷呜般的掌声。



例文4 六一儿童节作文

Forever young by Various artists

Let‘s dance in style

Let’s dance for a while

Heaven can wait

We‘re only watching the skies

Hoping for the best

But expecting the worst

Are you going to drop the bomb or not

Let us die young or let us live forever

We don’t have the power

But we never say never

Sitting in a sandpit

Life is a short trip

The music‘s for the sad men

Can you imagine

When this race is won

Turn our golden faces into the sun

Praising our leaders We’re getting in tune

The music‘s played by the madmen

Forever young I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

Forever young I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever Forever young

Some are like water

Some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later

They all will be gone

Why don’t they stay young

It‘s so hard to get old without a cause

I don’t want to perish like a fading horse

Youth‘s like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn’t happen today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams swinging out of the blue

We‘ll let them come true

Forever young I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

例文5 六一儿童节作文


但我一到教室,基本上同学们都已经到了。 班长和我们商量装饰我们的教室。我们每人都分配到了任务,有的贴窗花、有的挂气球、有的在黑板上写字,我们把教室打扮的十分漂亮。等老师到时,惊讶的赞叹道:“哇,你们真能干,把教室打扮的这么漂亮。”表扬了我们,我们觉得心里乐滋滋的。 上午时,二(1)班的同学来到了我们教室,老师说这样更热闹点。

我们班的小主持人俞锦晶和二(1)班的小主持人胡磊主持了上午的节目。小朋友你们想不想知道我们都表演了什么节目呢?我们的节目可精彩了:有小品《偷西瓜》、歌曲《假如幸福的话拍拍手吧》、时装表演、魔术…… 下午时,雨渐渐地停了,学校组织到前操场看各班的文艺表演,同学们兴高采烈地来到操场。我们两个班合作表演的节目是课本剧《揠苗助长》,在表演前老师为我们精心的打扮了一番。各班表演的节目都十分的好看,我的手掌都拍红了,哈哈…… 看完节目班主任给我们每个学生发了“六一”的礼物。每位同学脸上都露出了满意而幸福的笑容。


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