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我理想的学校生活(My ideal school day)
更新时间:2024-04-18 18:17:31

我理想的学校生活(My idal school day)my idal school day starts at 8:30 a.m. it finishs at 3 p.m. so w would hav a lot of tim for aftr-school activitis.w hav half an hour for lunch. w can at anything and chat with ach othr. w can also listn to pop music in th hall. w at an appl vry day, bcaus it can kp us halthy.w hav chins, maths, nglish and physics vry day, bcaus thy ar usful and vry important. w war school uniforms on monday.my idal school has a park on on sid and a shopping mall on th othr. w hav a big library with a lot of usful books. w also hav a swimming pool and a tnnis court. w can do any activitis aftr school or at wknds.w only hav half an hour of homwork vry day. w do not do homwork at wknds. vry month, w go on a school trip to a musum or a thatr. in th summr tim, w can go to bijing or shanghai. vry wk, w go to dongzhou park or shopping malls.i lik my idal school vry much.

我理想的学校生活(My ideal school day)

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